Government and the law in Australia topic questions

Before taking the official Australian citizenship test, one should complete some topic-wise practice tests. This will improve your confidence level and help decrease stress. With our 100% free practice tests, assess your knowledge of the Australian government and law topics. Use the marks and percentages you receive from these chapter practice tests to prepare a strategy.

Here, we are providing over 100 sample questions from the 'Government and the Law in Australia' topic, which corresponds to Part 3 of the official book 'Australian Citizenship: Our Common Bond.' These practice questions are based on the information below:

How do I have my say? > Voting, Raising matters with your representatives

How did we establish our system of government? > Federation, The Australian Constitution

How is the power of government controlled? > Legislative power, Executive power, Judicial power

Who is Australia's Head of State? > Constitutional monarchy, The role of the Governor-General

Who are some of Australia's leaders?

How is Australia governed? > Australian Government, The House of Representatives, The Senate, State and territory government, Local government

What do the three levels of government do?

What role do political parties play in the way Australia is governed?

How is the Australian Government formed?

How are laws made?

How are laws administered? > The courts, Judges and magistrates, Juries, The police, Criminal offences in Australia, Traffic offences logo

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